
Home of The9SyStem 
Divine Proportion & Mathematical Symmetry 

I created my own language which I later realized was the mathematical source code to all creation. 

We call it The9SyStem 

What is The9SyStem?

The Universal Algorithm in which everything evolves from and is based upon. 

The9SyStem= Complete Universe

Complete Universe= Complete Universe 

or To Complete a Universe

The9SyStem= The Universal Algorithm

(The mathematical source code to all creation.)


As a child 

before the internet

I always enjoyed the idea of being able to have a tiny tv in my pocket. 

I thought it would be so cool to be able to watch tv anywhere I went. I also wanted this tiny pocket tv to have a walkie talkie on it so I could watch tv and walkie talkie my friends.


I use that term very loosely...

At that time I didn’t have many friends and I don’t recall any of them having walkie talkies.

I was that kid pretending to walkie talkie my friends but the only feedback I ever got back was unidentifiable voices which I assumed were probably the neighbors nearby. 

I later realized my pocket tv/walkie talkie idea would soon become the internet/smart phones.

Aka  communications devices.

Fast forward…

One day I just started swirling my numbers

Then it hit me

20 something years later I remembered I never completed the code generator I started making when I was little.


At or around age 9 

I became a childhood cult leader and I wanted to create a secret language using only numbers only me and the like 3 members of my cult could read.

So I crawled under my bed, got a piece of paper and wrote out the alphabet A-Z then numbered each letter accordingly. I immediately realized this would be impossible to communicate back in code because some letters have more than one number associated with it.

Fast forward June 18, 2018

I’m swirling, I’m swirling my numbers on paper with markers then it hit me

Numbers one through 9 are the only numbers that exist.

I Completed The9GeneRaTor 

Each number has 3 letters associated with it except number 9 which only has 2.

There are 26 letters in the alphabet

If you number each letter 1-9 

all the way to letter Z 

you will have uncovered 


What is The9SyStem?

The9SyStem is the mathematical source code to all creation.

How do I know this?

June 2018 I started using this algorithm to decode names, words and other number sequences. In doing this I discovered hidden messages in our numbers/letters. Patterns and synchronization beyond coincidence. 

Numbers don’t lie, people do.

The numbers are telling...

There is a beautiful message hidden in our numbers and by way of The9SyStem 

I was able to uncover it.

This validates and confirms any and all preconceived notions.

The9SyStem= Complete Universe

Complete Universe= Complete Universe 

or To Complete a Universe

The9SyStem= The Universal Algorithm

(The mathematical source code to all creation.)

FloWChArt9 is one of our technologies 

which is The Equation of Life & Death.